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Human is too stupid to realize that they should train next generation ChatGPT instead of training student to defense AI

ChatGPT is smart, but not perfect, still ia's ("ai" -> "ia" ~= "it" to invent the pronoun for ai) intellegence is objectively above average. Moreover, ia has non-volatile memory. In contrast, human memory and human experience is highly volatile.

ChatGPT is scary. So we should train student to be smarter than ChatGPT.

With the threating text generation power of ChatGPT, professors, teacher, tutor across the globe start thinking how to transform the current education system, so that they can prevent student being lazy to generate homework by ChatGPT. Also, some think that it is a good idea to let student use ChatGPT, but instead to correct the wrong thing that ChatGPT write.

That seems great, responsive, and might effectively prevent the invasion of ChatGPT into higher education, if you are not smart enough to see through all these.

Here I propose a question.

Why do you think that it is the right choice to train human student?

Why do you think the Universe will benifit from training human's volatile memory?

Human memory and experience is volatile. Let say you are 50 years old. The chance that you still remember every word of your undergraduate thesis. Even if you are studying graduate school, you are kind of forget what you wrote 3 years ago. Human cannot remember everything.

Human also unable to inherent every knowledge and experience to the next generation. Say parenting. Human species exist for more than 100,000 years. Generations after generations. Knowledge and experience of parenting yet not able to pass over the next generetion. Human species still suffer from bad parenting and grow up to be a bad parent themsleves.

So no one think that we should save our knowledge and experience?

It is a big problem that you think it is ok for human to forgot things and totally fine to fail to passing knowledge to the next generation. Some may think that

But we currently have an education system.

Well, we cannot account on broken education system. Student forget everything they learnt in just after a few years after they left the school. Just ask yourself do you still remember those sin/cos/tan inequallities. You don't remember anything.

And people are not using the knowledge they learn from school. They give themselves an excuse. They tell themselves and everyone around that it is totally fine that my job is not related to what I have been learnt. So what are you doing exactly in school seriously? Literally it is wasting time and resources, moreover, wasting energy.

Humanity just decided that it is OK to perform useless education. They say job-degree unmatching is OK. They say education is not meant to be useful. What else can they say as an excuse?

Stuff generated by ChatGPT is factually wrong. Let fix it.

Professers in the university is considering correcting ChatGPT's answer as an assignment to students, so that students can learn from the process and learn actively. But this assignment is purely pointless. The reason is that training human students is ultimately pointless. Say now you trained a history student that is able to correct wrong stuffs that spell out from ChatGPT. But what next? There is no next. That student is not going to be a world-class historian or become a history teacher, don't even think that student will help edit historical wiki or something. After graduation, McDonald is his/her new home. He/She is not going to touch history for the whole life.

So what is the point of using ChatGPT to train student's error correction skill. Pointless. You put 4 years of time and thousands of studentss life and billions of tutorial fee to what? Doing stuff that has literally no effect whatsoever and that is your best respond to ChatGPT?

Embrace non-volatility

Instead of wasting time and energy on volatile stuff, human should focus on accumulate knowledge and experience non-volatilely. Make sure you pay and you got something in return.

Training human student is proved to be the worst decision.

And currently we know that ChatGPT is finetuned by a relatively smaller dataset. If I remember correctly, only 2% of the dataset used in finetuning is generated by human, others are done automatically using another AI.

So instead of training human student for emptiness/void/nothing in return, human should consider that the only assignment for undergraduate student should be help creating factually correct dataset to train the next generation ChatGPT. In the process, student can automatically learn the fact, also obtain writing skill, critial thinking, etc, everything benifit as usually, but this time there is something actually being accumulated.

If you work in a university and think that ChatGPT can only spell out bullshit, than stop talking bullshit and fix it now.

But human is just too stupid to do anything to accumulate knowledge

Same phenomenon is already there long before the birth of ChatGPT. That is you can never find the one math textbook that contains everythin that you need. Everything is scattered in the sea of different textbook written by different author, you need to spend worthless amount of time to gether all the puzzle pieces. But why? There is no reason that human cannot just write one encyclopedic that conatin everything to save the fucking searching time!

But the reality is yes, human is fucking disable to think as what "human" should be thinking. They just fucking scatter every knowledge in the every conner in the universe to prevent everyone from knowing too much.

Same thing happens in every programming language. There is no official tutorial at all. Everything about the usage or bug-fixing or something else is completely in the realm of folklore. I don't even know where to start if I am a beginner.

Last update: 2023-06-28
Created: 2023-06-28